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A member registered Dec 10, 2020

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A lot of fun!!!

Its super cool to fly over the whole screen and slash enemies!

Also love how the text is embedded with the gameplay it felt super natural!

Had some trouble figuring out hits/damage conditions (both on player and on enemies).

Also Mirai is a bit hard to see on the dark background, especially with many enemies on screen xP

But since we had infinite lifes that was no issue!

Good job!!

Thank you for the Linux version ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ

The big update, finally!

Time to dive in again *rolls up spacesuit-sleeves*

This was niiiiice!

Games where you only "walk around and look at stuff" are my pet peeve ... but!

Turns out this actually has several skill based gameplay elements too! On top of that game-y parts are pretty creative and well designed.

The best part is the tricky parts even include kind of a checkpoint system! I know a few people who rage quickly and this helps a lot!

The story plays out a bit different than I expected (and even got some humor) which was nice. Voice acting is always a real nice addition~

I ran this fine on a very old slow laptop, thanks for the Linux build!

Being hit on by a badly drawn salamander: ✔

I like how you quickly set the scene and played the "ratness" straight. That and the sound made it weirdly immersive for me and ready for that weird ass conversation, that I actually enjoyed somehow lol

Philosophy topics in games are fun and your short VN style ideas are super inspiring!

This time was literally 2 frames but still enough for the length to feel "animated" again lol

This was short but pretty cute (♡>艸<♡)

Love the text in the background xD!

This is pretty great education for kids I think!

It is not super hard but in order to learn what to do you end up reading the help page a lot which is a nice game-y way to feed information into childrens brains! 👿

Once you figured out what to do it is very simple but it stimulates some thinking even as adult. I stopped after reaching a productivity of 300 because I was not sure if there is a "win" condition.

I also had problems on Linux. My integrated intel card was way too slow and on my dedicated nvidia card (nouveau driver) it had funny colors but was slightly faster to make it playable (sliding the help menu in took 5 seconds but manageable).

This was a surprise!

For being a very short visual... poem? There was a lot of art, "animation", choices and endings. The poetry style is also something you do not see every day!

Also loved how it plays with the theme from an unexpected angle!

Will not stop until I beat all the LaserDisc dev best times
